Tuesday, April 1, 2008

I am here

Nothing like the prospect of fun things in the mail to get me motivated. I was looking on the web today at some fabulous swaps and the common theme among them is that you have to have a blog so that your fellow swappers can get to know you a bit better. Well ok! Count me in. I guess it's fitting that my first post ever is on April Fool's Day. Hmmm...where to start? Maybe a photo?
A little sheep I made for my little one's birthday last year.

So, I have been listening to Brenda Dayne's "Cast On" podcast and one of her recent podcasts was about starting as you mean to go on. That resonated with me, so I'm trying to do that here. I'll update at least 2 times a week and will add at least one picture a week. That's the plan. Wish me luck.

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