Sunday, June 1, 2008

Got my work cut out for me

I'm making costumes for the 10 year old girls at my dance studio. I grossly underestimated the amount of time it takes to sew an eight-paneled swing coat -- for four! -- go figure. So, now I have that cramming-a-semester-of-class-into-a-week-of-studying kind of feeling. You know, the feeling that if you make elaborate schedules broken down in 6 minute increments and you forgo sleep and food, you maybe just maybe can do it. All I can say is thank goodness for fusible hem tape. It's not cheating. These coats aren't couture, right?

This week is a fun one. Little one has a birthday party to go to, and at this age, I get to go to! We are going to take a ferry (yea boat rides!) over to a playground for a picnic. Sounds like a good time, no? Wednesday is dance class (DEADLINES LOOMING!!) Thursday is Lunch-Out-with-the-Kiddo day, and Friday we have a baby shower. Just when did my schedule get so busy? Crazy. Fun though. You may have noticed that I left off Monday from my list of fun. Well, that's because the termite guy is coming to check for creapy house eating bugs. It makes me itch just thinking about it. So, Monday...not fun.

Last week was rainy. Very very very rainy. We did manage to squeeze in a trip to the Manor to hang out with the residents and help them build their kitchen garden. Lots of herbs and tomatos and petunias. Very proud of that teepee. I made that!

Thanks for this Joe. It made me laugh so hard I snorted.

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